Waterton Wildlife

I like the scenery in Waterton but I like Waterton wildlife even more!! There are so many animals to photograph!!
Some days it can be frustrating as you can search and wait and nothing appears. Other days you cannot turn around without finding something to photograph.
The last couple of trips there has been a lot of animals to photograph. Waterton wildlife has been out in force this spring!!!
Early this spring I saw more moose in three days then I have seen in Waterton the entire 40 years I have been going there. It seemed that the moose decided all at once to venture out and about.

The birds have also been out in abundance. Many I did not even photograph as I was enjoying watching them. Cranes up around Belly river and a pair down along the entrance road.
Hawks and eagles like crazy all over the park.
Lots of song birds and even birds that just wanted to have a conversation with you like a Grey Jay up at Belly River that was having a good conversation with me.

Moving around
I have also seen a couple foxes this spring. They were in a two different parts of the park. I have never seen foxes in these areas before. Since the fire animals have ventured out from their familiar surroundings and the foxes were a long way from the usual places I see them. I think this may be due to the fact that their prey have been able to expand their range as well.

Bears are also out in force. In one area I saw four bears. They seemed comfortable with each other and with the people around. Years ago I heard a talk from Andy Russel about bears. He said when the food supply is abundant bears will hang out with each other with no issues. So if that is true the food supply must be abundant this year.

Even insects can make good subjects, especially when they are busy eating.

Fabulous photos!
Thank you.