A frosty walk at Henderson Lake
A nice frost, some remaining snow and of course the thousands of geese that winter over at Henderson Lake. As much as I do not like winter, pictures like this are worth it.
I would not argue with warmer days but as a photographer you have to shoot when the weather is suitable.

The light tends to give really long shadows as there is nothing to stop the lower rays from hitting the lake and the trees. If the day stays calm the frost will hang around till the sun is up high in the sky.
If you like to take pictures of the frost you need to get a day that has a nice heavy frost. You also need a day that has no wind. Then get out there early in the morning. You are best to get there before the sun comes up as once the sun starts to rise the frost can start dropping. Pick an area that has something interesting to include in your pictures. Then enjoy the experience.

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