Fort MacLeod

Fort MacLeod more then a bathroom stop

If you are like me you have driven through Fort MacLeod a number of times.

Going or coming to Lethbridge from the Crowsnest Pass or Calgary it is a part of the drive. If you are looking for a great day of shooting in southern Alberta be sure to add a stop in Fort Macleod to your summer adventures list!

The Empress Theater – Fort MacLead

Empress Fort MacLeod
Inside the Empress
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Empress Fort MacLeod
The front of the Empress, Fort MacLeod

For many years the only reason we would stop was for the ice cream shop next to the fort.

During the summer a stop at the ice cream shop was a treat for the kids as we were heading home from a trip. Of course Dad did not mind the stop either.

But a few years ago I had a chance to do some photography of the Fort and the Empress Theater for Travel Alberta.

I have to say the assignment opened my eyes to the photo opportunities around Fort MacLeod. It is worth the drive, or a stop, when passing through.

Touring the Empress theater opened my eyes to some of the history of the area.  It is a great tour to take if you have the time!

The theater really is a part of the past and it is so well preserved. As part of the shoot I had the chance to wander around the place with a guide then on my own. It was amazing to see everything and to do the photography of all the history!!

The fort at Fort MacLeod

Fort MacLeod
Flag raising

The Fort also has a lot of amazing displays.

The museum relives the settlement of southern Alberta.

A huge highlight of the stop is the Musical ride.

A treat taking you back in time to when the Fort was a major player in southern Alberta and western Canada.

The Fort has a number of photo opportunities and a stop in Fort MacLeod is going to get you some fantastic photos.

RCMP musical ride inspection
First choice photo, Lethbridge, Photo lab, photo finishing, photo prints, digital prints

1 thought on “Fort MacLeod”

  1. Great pictures of Fort Macleod. I love the colors on the ones of the flag and the RCMP. You will have to come back again to photograph more of the town.

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