There are a number of ways to contact us……..
Call and I will try and answer your questions by phone. When I am unable to answer you will be directed to the voicemail system. Please leave a message and I will get back to you ASAP, most times the same day. If I do not call within a day please call again. The technology is not perfect and has been known to drop calls.
Contact Us by phone 403 – 327 – 1114
Stopping by the studio
1263 2 Avenue South – Unit C
(West side of building at the back)
Lethbridge, Alberta
I try to keep regular studio hours but I recommend an appointment to make sure that I am in and not with another client.

Contact Us by E-mail
Most people find this is the easiest and quickest way to reach me. I check the E-mail between assignments, on the road and many other times when I am not able to check the phone. E-mails are returned the same day, if I have not gotten back to you by the next day drop another E-mail as I may not have received it.