You know that Christmas is fast approaching when the Coaldale Parade Of Lights comes to town.
I don’t think that I have seen a better day for the parade. It started to snow early in the day and continued till just after the parade. A perfect lead up to the Christmas season yet not so cold that you wanted spring or summer to come before Christmas.

I love seeing the floats with a light snow falling around them. It sure beats the minus 30 a couple of years ago. The only issue I have for the parade is that I want to spend time with my family and at the same time I want to take pictures of the floats. It goes past so fast!

Lots and lots of great floats lighting up the night. For our family it is the kick-off to the Christmas season. Add to the parade a great turkey dinner and I am getting excited about the next 28 days up till Christmas. I enjoy these events more then I enjoy the more Christmasy formal events.

Here are a few of the 300 plus images that I shot at the parade..

If you want to get into the Christmas mood next year be sure to plan to attend the next Parade of Lights in Coaldale. I may see you there!! Just make sure that you dress for the weather as it may not be as warm as it was this year!